Friday, January 10, 2014



Thursday, January 09, 2014


UP FRONT News December 11, 2013 Second release (Dec. 12)
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Steven Gradman - Political Consultant
Lehman Weichselbaum - Arts Editor and Reporter
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or the contributing writer and do not necessarily reflect the views of staff.
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- OUR "HEROES" ARE STEALING FROM US. GREED IS GOOD?" ROBINSON CANO VS. POPE FRANCIS
Some years ago at a forum on the tax reforms put forth by 19th century economist/activist Henry George, guest speaker Stephen Zarlenga, who wrote what may be the definitive history of money, was asked, paraphrased, how do the super-rich accumulate wealth. "They steal it", he replied. Mr. Zarlenga makes a valid point, one that by implication is sympathetic to the politics of, among others, Jesus Christ, Henry George, Pope Francis, Nelson Mandela, Andrew Mazzone and a great many other people who comprise "the 99%'ers" of the planet.
I am aware of no "law" that empowers any human being to simply accumulate the most basic resource, i.e. land (otherwise known as "real estate") and gouge non-owners for the use of that land, and thereby gouge all others who must depend on the land and what the land produces (which is almost everything, even the oxygen generated by the plants which live on the real estate). Henry George, a dedicated opponent of land-based monopolization of resources, believed that a tax based on land value would serve to economically democratize matters and end the have/have-not chasm that accompanies both private corporate capitalism and state corporate "socialism."
Both the Old and New Testaments are laden with historical figures who live (and in some cases die) by greed.
Despite the "greed is good" sloganeering of Gordon Gekko, the character portrayed by Michael Douglas (whose salary for playing the part, put Douglas in the de facto Gekko Group himself) in the films "Wall Street" and "Wall Street: Money Never Sleeps", as far as I am aware, most people regard greed as a negative.
Among the peculiar greed-related ironies is that public heroes and "role models" often in the entertainment and sports industries are among the greediest among us. I read recently in a sports column in a New York City tabloid that major league baseballer Robinson Cano, who felt that the offer of around $15 million year from the New York Yankees was tantamount to underpaying him and decided to to fight impending poverty by accepting more money ($24 million per year) from the Seattle Mariners, had a habit of not running out ground balls or flyballs that might or might not wind up in the seats as home runs.
Some years ago, Alex Rodriguez, who consistently confuses himself with The Almighty, aided and abetted by greed merchant agent Scott Boras, threatened to leave the Yankees because he felt that his approximately $26 million "annual" (a baseball "year" lasts from March through September, except for playoff teams still competing into October) salary was not commensurate with his divine abilities and desires. According to The York Times, among the folks "A-Rod" consulted in his effort to stave off homelessness was Goldman-Sachs CEO Lloyd Blankfein, who was once quoted as suggesting that his banksterism was "God's work." And so A-Rod got rthe Yankees to give him a raise to a reported $30 million a year. And for that bargain basement purchase price they retained a pathological narcissist with a history of perfromance enhancing drug abuse who would probably overload a lie detector device.
A recent guest article by a Washington Post columnist appearing in (of all papers), the multi-billionaire Newhouse empire-owned Staten Island Advance, whose publisher and political reporters consistently protect one percenter-protecting politician - referenced the pattern of the filthy rich to camouflage the greed that got them there by theatrical philanthropics. The image that comes to mind is zillioniare professional basketball players handing out turkeys to the poor folks in "ghetto" neighborhoods in New York City who have no way of seeing the players perform being unabld to afford the extortionist ticket prices charged which relate directly to player salaries and owner profits.
Our "heroes" are stealing from us!
Neither Jesus nor Pope Francis - who most recent pronouncement lacerated the rich for their greed - are known as athletes. Jesus reportedly was homeless a lot.

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UP FRONT News March 30, 2013
"The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold."
Published by Tom Weiss
Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor
Maria Loginova - Literary Editor
The views expressed in UP FRONT News are those of the publisher or of the contributing writer and do not necessarily represent the views of staff.
Some years ago, while I was visting the photographer/shop owner and free Tibet activist Sonam Zoksang in his since displaced-by-rent-increase "Vision of Tibet" handicrafts shop in Greenwich Village ("Vision of Tibet" shops live in Philadelphia and Rosendale, N.Y.), while no one else was in the store, he sort of whispered to me, "You know, Jesus was in Tibet." Inasmuch as I had heard some rumors to that effect, probably in hippie circles, I asked for more details. Mr. Zoksang mentioned a Tibetan find of biblical writings in Aramaic and some contemporary literature in the subject,
Elizabeth Clare Prophet is a well known and prolific Christian scholar, who has written two books titled "The Lost Years of Jesus", with a long bibliography, chronicling the eastward travels of "Issa", said to be based on an Arabic translation of the name "Jesus."
Much of her work, focusing on what are believed to be Jesus's life between the ages of 12 and 30, is based on research by two 19th century Russians, Nicolas Notovich and Nicholas Roerich, who were apparently spiritually drawn to travel to Tibet where they met with the Tibetan Buddhist version of Jewish rabbis and Christian pastors/priests. Mr. Roerich was apparently blessed with a versatility of Leonardo da Vinci scope and some of his extraordinary body of work, including writings and paintings, can be experienced at the Nicholas Roerich Museum on West 107th Street in Manhattan. (Call ahead for open hours.)
Jesus's travels reportedly took him from what is now Israel/Palestine through lands now known as Iran, (definitely pre-Taliban) Afghanistan, Russia, India and into what is now occupied Tibet. (The Mormons are convinced that Jesus visited the U.S. I am not convnced of that.)
I believe, however that Jesus may have made another journey through parts of North Africa, and made the very short trip across the Strait of Gibraltar into what is now Spain. There are some who believe that the "St. James" buried in Santiago de Compostela, Spain was Jesus's brother. I have Spanish (Sephardic) ancestry and have visited Spain twice. There is no question that Spain has the unique historical tradition of being the center of three major faiths. A living example of this can be found in the city of Cordoba, the birthplace of the Jewish philosopher Maimonides and a gorgeous city where a huge Catholic church, the world-famous "La Mezquita" (Mosque) and an ancient synagogue exist within walking distance of each other - and also near at least one nightclub that, at least when I was there last some years ago, featured pure flamenco starting "'round about midnight."
At some point, Issa, who apparently spent some years in what is now Tibet, was called back to Israel to teach and preach and ultimately get into big political trouble. Reports suggest that some Tibetan scholars believe that Pontius Pilate's role in the lynching of Jesus was not as depicted in the New Testament where Pilate is quoted as suggesting that his prisoner is faultless but rather that the Roman politician was an aggressive prosecutor.
Well, it is very apparent to me that the philosophically atheistic Chinese Communists -
whose leaders, similar to the delusions of people like Adolf Hitler, Joseph Stalin, and Lyndon LaRouche, among others, believe that they are "God" - in their illegal and genocidal occupation of the nation of Tibet, are perperating the equivalent of a mass repeat cruxifiction. At Jesus's very public trial, while reportedly there were plenty there (Romans and Jews) who called for His execution, any number of (perhaps mob-intimidated) observers remained silent.
As the Nazis were developing the machinery for war and the Holocaust, many frightened people remained silent. Among those who did not (and lost his freedom although he managed to survive) was Pastor Martin Niemoller. His words remain very relevant today.
"First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Socialist.
Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Trade Unionist. Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out--Because I was not a Jew. Then they came for me--and there was no one left to speak for me."
Well, "they" are coming for the Tibetans - and thereby again for Jesus.
Barack Obama, for one, needs to speak out!
* * * * * * *

MeUP FRONT News March 30, 2013 "The paper that can't be bought and can't be sold." Published by Tom Weiss Andrew Mazzone - Media Representative and Economics Advisor Maria Loginova - Literary Editor, http
Mar 30, 2013

lehman718@aol.comI heard you called. Thanks for the history. -----Original Message----- From: Tom Weiss To: dkhorko ; demetrius carolina ; rabbisussman ; justatest0708
Mar 30, 2013

dhondup khorkoHi Tom, Most interesting news items that I have come across in my recent memory. Disappearing from the age of twelve to thirty some years is the most sensible and reasonable event that can take place in ones life as this is the period that human beings w
Apr 1, 2013

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